Fly in a Glider at Wormingford Airfield, Essex
Use The Croft Campsite, Bures as your base to fly in a Glider
Have you ever thought what it is like to Fly in a two seater Glider with a fully qualified pilot? Well now is your chance to try a new exciting activity for your Scout, Explorer or Guide Group. This activity can go towards their Adventure Challenge and Air Activity Staged Badges.
Bures Scout Group has teamed up with The Essex & Suffolk Gliding Club based at Wormingford Airfield, Fordham Road, Wormingford, Essex – just 3 miles from Bures Campsite. The airfield is situated just off the B1508 (sign posted Fordham) and is ¼ mile from the junction – entrance on right (concrete road way).
How can I get there?
You can reach the airfield either by:
- Road – own transport
- Hire out our 17 seater minibus
- Hike along part of the River Stour Valley Path/Wormingford Hall to Airfield
- Cycle (circular route)
- Using public transport (Go Ahead Buses)
- Bus to Wormingford Village (Bus stop next to Church Road) and take footpath to airfield
Address of Gliding Club
Essex & Suffolk Gliding Club, Fordham Road, Wormingford, Essex CO6 3AQ
Flights are a winch launch using the old Second World War Airfield once used by the RAF and United States Air Force.
When can I fly?
Glider flights are available on:
Monday, Tuesday & Thursday for large groups of no more than 30. Starting at 11.30hrs to 15.00hrs – depending on weather.
For smaller groups up to 10:
Flying in the evenings from 16.30hrs to dust on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
How much?
Charges for Leaders, Parents, Scout, Explorer, Guide Groups are:
- £30.00 for a 15 minute flight
How to book
For further information email:
See club rules on visit to airfield for Scout/Explorer/Guide Groups – i.e. Members
View Essex and Suffolk Gliding Club website at
On arrival at the Airfield
Please read notice at the entrance gate. Proceed to Visitors Parking Area adjacent to windsock. If full find a club official to see where it is permissible to park.
Report to the Clubhouse, please read notice to the right of the entrance doors. The maximum speed limit on site is 15mph.
All MEMBERS to be supervised at all times
Any pets must be on a leash
Always keep a good lookout when on the airfield
Access to Launch Point Area
With larger groups, no more than 6 MEMBERS should go to the Launch Point at any one time. Where the MEMBERS are accompanied; then generally no more than 2 others would be allowed with each participant.
Ideally groups will be taken to the Launch Point at the Eastern End (Clubhouse end of airfield), by a Club Official. Access to the Launch Point is around the perimeter track keeping a good LOOKOUT for Gliders coming in to land. If a glider is on approach DO NOT continue, it is safer to backtrack.
Launch Point Area
The Launch Marshall will advise the group where to stand; this will normally be well behind the Launch Area. Members must keep together and not wander about. Only the Member, who will be under instruction from the Instructor, will be by the glider, unless the Instructor is undertaking a briefing for the group who are at the launch point. Those accompanying the Member may be able to take photographs following instructions from the Instructor/Launch Marshall.
Once the Member has flown, they will wait until they are escorted back to the Clubhouse, unless directed otherwise.
The Launch Vehicle itself is out of bounds to visitors except in exceptional circumstances and authorised by the Launch Marshall.
Other Facilities
There is a small kitchen in the Clubhouse – where it is possible to purchase drinks, chocolate bars and various other snacks. There is an honesty box to place cash for the purchase of these items.
These notes have been prepared as a guide. If in doubt about anything please ask an official of the Essex & Suffolk Gliding Club.