Our History
In 2002, Paul Snelling (Scout Leader) decided to write about the History of Bures Scout Group. In this year we were celebrating 55 Years of continued Scouting or should I say Wolf Cubbing.
The person responsible for re-starting the group was Dr Thomas Wood, he attended the Sudbury & District Association in 1950 and after a meeting with the Vicar decided to start a Scout Group in the village. The Scout Troop actually re-started in 1953 by the Reverend Cyril Sharp and the Wolf Cub Pack in 1952 by Mrs Mary Hynard.
History of Bures Scout Group 1911–present
Written and Researched by Paul Snelling, (Scout Leader)
Contributions & thanks for your help: John Ineson, Mary Hynard, Norman Smith, John Lean, Betty Haywood, Roy Hartley, Tony Keeble, Les Garrod, Cecil Webber, Andrew Boyce & Jean Marsh (Waffle Editor, Sudbury District).
If anyone who was an ex-Scout, Cub, Beaver or Leader has any interesting stories to tell – we would love to hear from you.
Send written copy via email to: paulsnelling78@gmail.com
The Early Years

First record of Bures Scout Troop taken in 1911 next to The Eight Bells Public House.
In 1956 John Ineson (ASM) wrote to: The Boy Scouts Association in London for a confirmation that a Scout Group did exist in Bures. In the early years a Scout Group was registered by the Local Association of Sudbury in 1910 and this was cancelled on 16th September 1921. It was subsequently re-registered under the title ‘Bures’ on 6th March 1923 and this was then cancelled with effect from 30th September 1925. There was no further mention of a Troop or Pack of that name until the group was re-registered on 19th May 1952.
On Parade
There was a Scout Group in Bures in 1911, we have a photograph of the Group on parade outside the cottages next to the Eight Bells Public House with staves and their trek carts. There are a few familiar names: Stanley Prior, George Baxter, Bert Everett, Peter Webber and Mr Davies to name a few. We do not know where the first early years meetings were held or what activities they did.
Bures Oldest Scouts
After some researching, we were put in contact with a Les Garrod of Towns Hill, St Edmunds Lane and Cecil Webber of Woolpit Downs, Bures, they told us that they were Scouts between 1930 until war broke out in 1939, they are both in their eighties.
The Scout meetings were held down the Wharf Lane in a black barn, which was owned by Mrs Roser Drake now converted into a dwelling now called Wharf House. She had dog kennels below with the Scouts meeting on the second floor. The entrance to the meetings was via a rope ladder! No Risk Assessments in those days!

Great Ropers Hall, Bures St Mary.
These meetings lasted about two years and were run by Miss Christine Stirling of Great Ropers Hall, Assington Road. The Scouts brought wood from Wheelers timber yard and built there own Scout Hut on land owned by Christine Stirling. This was opposite St Edmund’s Lane entrance onto the Assington Road now called Larskhill House, there was enough room for a billards table too. Subs were 1 penny per week.
During building work the meetings were held at Great Ropers Hall they used a room – this was called ‘The Den’ with games and activities taking place in the gardens. Mr Garrod’s father was a chauffeur at Great Ropers Hall and they used his car for transport to St. Osyth, Essex for their Summer Camp and Mr Cousins’s lorry based at the Eight Bells Public House for their equipment.
When the Second World War broke out, the Scouts were called into the services and the Scout meetings stopped. The Scout Hut was then taken apart and reassembled at Garlands Farm, Pebmarsh – the new home of Miss Christine Stirling.
The 1950's
The First Meetings of the 50’s
The first Scout meetings in 1953 were held in the Post Room (now demolished to make way for a driveway to the new Vicarage). The Group was run by the Reverend Cyril Sharp and Captain Peacock. The first members were: Roy Hartley, George Warden, John Collins, David Vango, David Rutt, Charlie Sargeant, Stanley Brown, Peter Baxter, David Baxter, Sidney Gee Cansdale, John Pink, Graham Holmes, David Nickells and R. Hill.
Church Parade

Cubs and Scouts on Parade outside St Mary’s Church in April 1953. Photo supplied by Bures Archive.
Cubs and Scouts on Parade outside St Mary’s Church in the early evening (see church clock) – probably for St George’s Day Parade in April 1953!
First Camps

Scout Troop in the 1950’s.
Their first camp was in Gloucestershire in 1953, they were attached to the 3rd Sudbury Group, under the leadership of Ray Green.
Easter was spent at Nussteads, Polstead – the home of Brigadier W.A. Stirling, this was a damp weekend. Some Scouts attended the Coronation Jamboree, Sandringham at Whitsun and enjoyed the hottest weekend of the year. In April of this first year of Scouting, The Rev. Cyril Sharp and Captain Peacock went under canvas for a Scouter’s Preliminary Training Course at Shrublands Park near Ipswich. The Wolf Cubs attended a one night camp at Corn Hall.

David Baxter – Boy Scout Record Card in 1953.
First Scout to gain Scout Cord
The District Camp was held at Nussteads, Polstead. Bures Scouts came second to Haverhill in the Camping Shield Competion. Cubs, Scouts, family and friends attended the Evensong on Empire Youth Sunday. The troop joined 3rd Sudbury for their Summer Camp at Lownd, Suffolk in August. In November, Camp Fire Leader Roy Hartley and this was his last meeting with the troop before joining the RAF. Solos were given by David Collins, who played his accordion with Aylwin Brown. The Scout Cord – the highest award available to a Scout under the age of 15 has been gained by David Baxter of the High Street, Bures. This is the first time that this award has been gained by a Scout from Bures. Kenneth Baxter, David’s brother attained the highest award available to a Wolf Cub, the Leaping Wolf. At Bob-a-Job Week Scout and Cubs undertook Spring clearing of the churchyard for the Parochial Church Council.
Activities & Camps

Roy Hartley (SL) – front row.
The second annual Christmas Party was held in the Victory Hall (now the Community Centre car park) in 1955. A record number of 24 Scouts and 24 Cubs were present for tea. A programme of sketches and games for parents proved popular. During the evening a slide show by Mr J.B. Andrews of Sudbury, depicting the last two summer camps.
Roy Hartley was on leave from the RAF and led the Camp Fire. Two jungle dances were performed by the Wolf Cubs. Cocoa and biscuits were served – there were 46 present.

Group Photo with Brownie Pack in graveyard at Bures St Mary’s Church.
St. George’s Day Parade was held at Bures St Mary’s Church, the Rev. Cyril Sharp led the boys in reaffirming their promises. The lessons were read by John Pink and Wolf Cub Wesley Cardy. Among the congregation was Brigadier W.A. Stirling, District Commissioner for Sudbury.
At Easter, a Patrol Leaders Camp was held at Garlands Farm, Pebmarsh. In camp were Patrol Leaders: David Rutt, David Vango, Charlie Sargeant, Brian Ambrose, Troop Leaders: David Baxter and Roy Hartley.
A Scouts Sports Evening was held on the Recreation Ground, those who helped were Mr Eddie Hynard and E.F. Wilson whose energies and labour’s did much to ensure the smooth running of the programme. John Pink won the long jump for the junior section.
Air Trip at Birmingham

Outing to Birmingham Airport. Scouts went up in a D.H. Rapide.
The annual Summer Camp under canvas was held at Meriden, near Coventry. There were three outings arranged for the week. The first was to Cadbury’s Chocolate factory and plenty of free samples were given out. The second outing was to Birmingham Airport, all Scouts went on an air trip in a D.H. Rapide, the aircraft circled over the campsite and flew over the city. The third trip was to see the Ferguson Tractor Factory in Coventry. There was one unwelcomed visitor – a deer, which came in the middle of the night to one patrol tent and ate four bars of soap – a fifth was not finished – but showed large teeth marks.
Bob-a-Job Week
For fifty-one weeks of the year a Scout is expected to do at least one ‘Good Turn’ every day. Only during ‘Bob-a-Job’ Week in April does he ask for payment for services rendered. The week raised over £33. Of this total £8.8s was sent the London Headquarters, B.P. House.
Bures says Goodbye to Vicar
The Rev. Cyril Sharp left the Scout Group to take up a new appointment in Germany. A farewell gathering was held in the W.I. Hall, The Croft (now a dwelling called Pettitts Hall).
A presentation was made by Wolf Cub Dennis Ambrose. John Ineson, Assistant Scout Master, spoke in appreciation of Mr Sharp’s work for the Scouts, mentioning how the Cub Pack and Scout Troop were formed by the vicar with a handful of lads in 1952.
At the end of the year, a rummage sale organised by the Parents Committee in the WI Hall, raised the sum of £18 for group funds.
New Warrants

Bert Newman – 1st Haverhill Scout Group (left) and Brigadier Stirling (DC) (right).
Brigadier Stirling (DC) presented Captain Peacock and John Ineson with new warrants in 1956. Captain Peacock has taken charge of the Senior Scouts and John Ineson has been promoted to being Scout Master of the Troop. Roger Stevens joins the troop from Romford. The new vicar the Rev. Michael Brown has consented to be Group Scout Master, the position held by his predecessor. Charlie Sargeant was promoted to Troop Leader and presented with his First Class Badge and the Scout Cord.
The first camp of the year, five members of the troop spent Easter at Gilwell Park near Chingford. The Senior Scouts went to the Ardennes mountains in France in June. The camp was right on top of a mountain – a wonderful view, but a terrible climb every time they wanted water!
We entered into the County Shield Competition at Shrublands Park. The team was: Patrol Leader: Tim Underwood, Ken Baxter, Roger Stevens, Colin Webber, Les Saer and John Stuck.
Good Turn
This year’s annual Summer Camp in 1956 was held at Dunwich, Suffolk, with the worst possible weather for camping was experienced. The site was situated near the cliffs and was surrounded by trees, this proved a great help when the gale’s came and only one tent was torn.
The arrival of over thirty Polish Guides camping close by gave the Bures lads an opportunity to do a ‘good turn’. The tents arrived safely by train, but the pegs had been mislaid on the railway. The Bures boys got to work and cut nearly a hundred pegs out of the bushes in a very short time.
Troop Leader Charlie Sargeant had been chosen as one of the Scouts to represent Suffolk and Great Britain at the forthcoming World Jamboree at Sutton Coldfield next August.
New Cub Leader
Mrs Mary Hynard retires at the end of the year in 1957 from the Cub Pack due to family reasons. Roger Stevens has been selected to attend the World Jamboree.
It was announced at the Christmas Party that Rosemary Fordham will take charge of the Wolf Cubs on a temporarily charge. The Rev. Michael Brown presented Mrs Mary Hynard with two gifts from the Cub and Scout sections for her hard work during the past five years.

Scouts & Cubs on Parade outside Cottages next to The Eight Bells Public House.
A thanksgiving service for the life and work of the founder of the Scout Movement, Robert Baden-Powell was held in the Parish Church. On the following Sunday 14 members of the Troop went to Ipswich for the County Service where over 1,500 Scouts were on parade.
An Easter camp was held at Buckmore Park near Chatham, Kent. The boys enjoyed the new indoor pool – built at a cost of £17,000.
Rosemary Fordham and Janet Spurgin attended a training course for Cub Scouters at Ipswich.
50th Anniversary of the Founding of the Scout Movement

Flowering Cherry Tree – planted in 1957 (still flowering today in April 2019).

The Placard presented to the St Mary’s Church – November 1957.
After this year’s Remembrance Service in 1957, Cubs and Scouts stayed behind in the churchyard for the planting of a cherry tree to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Founding of the Scout Movement (1907-1957) – this tree is still flowering after all these years!
Queen’s Scout Badge
Seventeen-year-old Charles Sargeant (PL) was awarded his Queen’s Scout badge from WA Stirling (DC) in 1958. He has been a member of the 1st Bures Scout Group since 1952. He also attended Windsor Castle for the Queen’s Scout Review and in May received the Royal Certificate from Lord Rowalian, the Chief Scout at Gilwell Park.
In July, the Group won the Sudbury District Camping Shield held at Polstead. Summer Camp was held at East Mersea, Essex and were visited by the Group Scoutmaster Rev. Michael Brown, George Garrad and parents for ‘Parents Day’. John Bury was awarded the Scout Chord.

Bures Troop with the Sudbury District Camping Shield won at Polstead, Suffolk.
Janet Spurgin has had to give up the Wolf Cubs – Mrs Hynard has become Akela again, assisted by Beryl Cardy and Barbara Baxter.
Good Performances
At the Annual Party in 1959 at the Victory Hall, 40 Scouts and Cubs attended. They entertained their parents with plays and songs on the stage specially built. Very good performances were given by Stephen Davies and Richard Spurgin. Bob-a-Job made £39. Miss Christine Stirling was presented a ‘Thank You’ badge on behalf of all the boys who had camped at her farm in Pebmarsh during the past five years. Leslie Saer and John Bury gained their 1st Class badges.
The Group made £73 from the Fete. Does anyone still have blue ticket no. 182 which is still unclaimed and can be collected from the Post Office! Arthur Haywood helps out as helper, teaching the boys knots and physical training. The following year, he becomes Assistant Leader and stays for 31 years!
Summer Camp at St Anton
Twenty Scouts from Bures and Sudbury departed for Austria via Southend Airport in a chartered Viking aircraft to Basle, Switzerland, camping near the banks of the Rosanna River. They went mountain climbing and toured Innesbruck. Towards the end of camp, it rained for 31 hours, stopped and rained again and the Scouts finally got flooded out. They were luckily in finding a mountain hut empty, so nearly everybody spent the last three nights sleeping on the wooden floors.
Scout Master Resigns
John Ineson resigns at the end of August after the Austria Camp. He has been SM for 5.5 years. Charlie Sargeant and Tim Underwood have taken over the running of the Group, but need an older person to act as Scoutmaster. David Brooks and Tim Underwood received their Queen’s Scout Awards.
Farewell to Leader
At a packed schoolroom for the annual meeting of the Bures Boy Scouts, the group were saying goodbye to their Scout Master John Ineson. The Rev. Michael Brown presented him with a cheque and a 14-inch bronze statuette of a Boy Scout. The new Scoutmaster will be Phillip Herrington who comes from Wakes Colne.
From Trek Cart to Comet!
Scouts from Bures and Sudbury spent ten days in Italy for their Summer Camp. They visited Rome and Anzio. Within six hours of leaving London Airport, they had put up their tents and went swimming – but a complication set in during the night when they found their tents were on ant nests! Some slept the night on the beach and some did for the rest of the holiday!
The 1960's
The Scout Rooms
The Scout Group moved to the Scout Rooms in the early 1960’s – the meeting place was basic. This was in the grounds of the Vicarage on the right hand side of the drive way and is now a cottage.

The Scout Rooms

Scout Rooms (view from Wharf Lane).
We moved out in 1968 after the Vicar gave us notice to leave. We then moved to our present location in The Croft (off the High Street). The Croft road and houses on the right is still there. Our Scout Headquarters is where the Wood Sheds are located. These were used for grave stone engraving.

The Croft road in the late 1960’s. Our Scout Headquarters is where the wood sheds are now!
Chris off to World Jamboree
Christopher Bury, Patrol Leader has been chosen to represent the Sudbury District at the World Jamboree, which is being held in Greece in 1964. Charlie Sargeant resigns as Scout Leader due to family commitments.
‘Skip’ new Leader
Arthur Haywood (Skip to the Boys) takes over as Leader with Roy Hartley and Charlie Sargeant as helper in 1964.
Canvas Canoes
In 1966, the group brought a ‘canoe kit’ and set about making the double canvas canoes. This was the first of three made by the Scouts and Leaders over the winter months.
Top of the Pops
This year’s theme for the Gang Show was ‘Top of the Pops’, the Scouts mimed to the Spencer Davis Group.
The Suffolk County Commissioner Mr J. Pearce presented John Ineson, District Commissioner for Sudbury District, The Medal of Merit for services to Scouting and the Long Service Award in 1967. Tony Keeble and Vernon Cardy dressed up as ‘Steptoe and Son’ for the Scout Party.
Move to New Headquarters

Our Scout Group Headquarters, The Croft.
As the Scout Group grew, there was a need for a bigger Headquarters and in 1968 the group moved to The Croft. The Group bought an ex-RAF Officers Hut from Earls Colne Aerodrome, Essex, they used this hut during the Second World War, similar huts can be seen on the film Battle of Britain. A piece of land was leased out from Mr Probert for a rent of £1.00 per year. Arthur Haywood, Captain Peacock, Roy Hartley, David Keeble and Charlie Sargeant were responsible for organising and building the new Headquarters with the work taking about 6 months to construct with also help from the older Senior Scouts.
The Summer Camp was held in North Wales – it rained for most of the week. David Pilgrim cut his foot badly in the slate in the river. Scouts and Leaders were ill through food poisoning – a camp not to be remembered!
New Uniforms & Sections
We said goodbye to the shorts, hats and beige uniform in 1969 as the Scout Movement moved with the times. The Rovers and Seniors disappeared. The sections were reorganised into three Cubs, Scouts, Ventures and Leaders. A new programme was also introduced.
The 1970's
Cubs Beaten in Semi-Final
The Cubs entered into the Sudbury District 5-a-side Football Competition held at Great Cornard Sports Centre. We were knocked out in the semi-finals.

Back Row: Guy Swan, Paul Dolling, Paul Snelling and Robert Simpson.
Front Row: Alan Plank & Stephen Hughes.
Tiger Hill Woods Camp
Our Cub Camp was held at Tiger Hill Woods near Arger Fen in June 1974. We were transported to Tiger Hill Woods in the back of an open tipper lorry driven by Mr Mayes. The camp was run by John Lean (GSL) and Norman Smith (CSL).
Viking Jamboree
Next week the World Scout Jamboree begins in Norway – but since Sudbury District Cub Scouts can’t go their Leaders decided to bring the Jamboree to them. All the Cubs were dressed up as Vikings and were given passports. During the day each boy visited ten different bases, made a Kon-Tiki raft and had a chance to gain a Athletes Badge. Each group also had to dress a Totem Pole. The Sports Trophy was won by 1st Bures Cubs. We were again knocked out in the semi-finals of the 5-a-side at Haverhill Sports Centre.

Home-spun Jamboree. Sudbury District Cub Scouts , Quay Lane and Football Club, Sudbury.
Our Cub Camp was again held at Tiger Hill Woods near Arger Fen in June 1975. The weather was very hot and it hadn’t rained for a number of weeks. We went to bed, had pillow fights and after Darren Tinsley had fallen asleep, we decided to pull him outside in his sleeping bag to have more room for ourselves. He never did wake up and during the night a massive thunderstorm began. The doors of the tent were also left open – the water poured in and out, and soaked our sleeping bags and clothes.
In the morning, Norman Smith Cub Leader and John Lean Assistant Cub Leader poked their heads out of their Leaders tent and John Lean said: ‘what’s that funny thing in the middle’. It was Darren, he was still asleep and had slept through the night. Ian Fisher’s underpants were also pushed outside – he tried to dried them over a tilley lamp.
Barn Camp on the Ridge track
We were dropped off at the TV Mast next to Yorley Farm, Upper Road, Little Cornard in March 1976. We hiked along the foothpaths to the barn. We camped inside the barn on the concrete flooring.
We did some tree felling near to Stephen’s Chapel track down towards the water meadows and learnt about axe and saw on Sunday morning.

We stayed in the barn in March 1977.
Outstanding Service to Scouting
In 1977 Arthur Haywood was awarded The Medal of Merit, he had devoted his spare time and energy working with the troop for the last 13 years.

Arthur Haywood receiving his Medal of Merit from the DC. (standing in background Ian Carter and Paul Snelling).
District Camping Competition
We camped at Birdbrook in Moyns Park, we hiked from Great Yeldham to Birdbrook with our kit on our backs. Bures took all three trophies, Camping Shield, Pioneering Cup and Stirling Shield (for most badges gained during the year in the troop). The Patrol was: Chris Chambers, Lewis Chambers, Paul Snelling, Guy Swan, Glen Powles and Andrew Holmes.
Patrol Camp at Great Bevills
We went on a weekend camp at Great Bevills, Bures, camping, canoeing and air rifle shooting. As a Patrol Competition, Saturday’s evening meal consisted of beef stroganoff, green beans and potatoes followed by rhubarb and custard. The meal was thoroughly enjoyed even though there were remarks like ‘I’m not going to eat that mess!’, and Arthur said: ‘I can vouch that it was a lot better than it looked and was cooked all on open fires’!
We acquired a new tin hut from CAV factory in Sudbury and helped Eric Holmes of The Paddocks dismantle his large shed. We used his wood for shelving and interior walls.
Sudbury District Scout Camping Competition
Programme of Events for the weekend – 16th & 17th June 1979, Little Bevills, Bures.
Off to Camp in Skeleton Bus

Picking up food at Arthur (Skip’s) house in The Paddocks.
This year’s summer camp in 1978 was held at Manor Farm, East Runton near Cromer. We travelled by Chambers Bus with half the seats taken out to accommodate our cycles, twenty campers and camping equipment. We were challenged to a football match by a school team from London. The boys found themselves a bit tongue tied with remarks like ‘you old woman’ when you are playing against school Momas as well as Masters! We’re thinking of getting wet suits for the 6 and 12 mile hikes, it seems that at the very sound of this, the dark clouds start converging – this has happened on a number of occasions!
Pheasant Pie
Our Summer Camp this year in 1979 was held at Broughton near Sailsbury, Hampshire, we were based on a farm near the village. During the week Roy Hartley made one of his spectacular aerial runways, some Scouts who played up during the week were put on the runway, but were only pulled and left half way up – some other Scouts threw crab apples at the annoying Scout.
One evening, the Scouts were left on their own as Skip and Roy went for a drink down the village, the Scouts decided to go and explore further afield. Ian Fisher and Guy Swan found a pheasant cage belonging to the game keeper. Some of the boys threw sticks and stones at the cage, one hit a pheasant on the head and killed it – not mentioning any names (Ian Fisher). Ian became very upset for the rest of the week and eventually told Skip. He went back to the cage and brought it back to camp and we had it for dinner the next night!
We made some bivouacs (natural shelters) for our Advanced Scout Standard Award in the woods. There were four groups with each building their own: Paul Snelling, Paul Dolling, Ian Fisher and Andrew Holmes. Luckily it did not rain that night – but Paul Dolling got scared and spooked after he heard some rustling. He went and stayed with Ian – but it all turned out to be a hedgehog – big baby.
On the way home near the Chelmsford area, Andrew Boyce wanted desperately to go to the toilet, but the trouble was we were in a traffic jam on the old A12 and Roy could not pull over. We had a coke can available, we cut off the top with a penknife and gave it to Andrew, which he used in the back to pee in. What Andrew didn’t know was that we had punctured a hole in the bottom!
Goodbye to Vicar
Bures Scouts and Cubs held their annual Fete in the Vicarage Garden in June 1980. It was the last time at the home of Rev. David and Linda Mathers before they moved to Brazil.
A presentation was made by Paul Snelling and Max Kettle in appreciation for the use of their garden. A profit of £337 was made.

Max Kettle presenting Linda Mathers with flowers at the Scout Fete.
Sausage Supper
We held a Sausage Supper night in the village hall – the Scouts entertained the parents by marching as Tin Soldiers and the Cubs to Boxing Matches between themselves.
Canoe Cruise
We took part in the River Stour Trust Canoe Cruise (Paul Snelling, Guy Swan and Ian Fisher) we got sponsors to raise money for the group. We canoed from Wissington to Cattawade Bridge – a distance of 15 miles in our canvas canoes with no Leaders present!
Instant Sausage
The Cubs went on a hike one summer’s evening to Arger Fen, the challenge was to light a fire and cook a sausage on a stick – once at their destination. Kevin Mills managed to get a 9 foot high fire and proceeded to cook. The sausage was burnt black in seconds and was raw on the inside! He ate his instant sausage up a tree with the others.
The 1980's
Carnival 1981

Tin Soldiers at Bures Carnival 1981.

Bures Cubs on the Carnival Float in 1980 or 1981)? Robin Hood & His Merry Men.
Jon Howe, Jason Vango, Boo Baxter, Dominic Turner, Max Kettle are all in this photo taken by the Suffolk Free Press in Normandie Way before the procession starts.
Good turn at Camp
Summer Camp in 1981 was held at Rollesbury Hall, Rollesbury near Martham, Norfolk the home of Sir Patrick Benn. For our ‘good turn’ as we did not pay any camp site fee, the Scouts cleared his vegetable patch. For our reward, we all went swimming in his private pool!
After our day out in Great Yarmouth on Friday, Kevin Mills brought some ‘honey comb’ as a present for his parents. On Saturday, we packed up camp and the Scouts were ready. Kevin had left his honey comb on a seat in the minibus the night before in a safe place! Skip said: ‘everybody on the minibus’ and a bundle started – to get the best seats! Someone sat on the honey comb and reduced it to crumbs! Kevin threw a massive wobbly at everyone all the way home – this was known as the ‘honey comb camp’ by the Leaders.
Bonfire Club Committee
Believe or not, we used to have a Bonfire and Firework Night every November for the past five years in the village. The Bonfire Club Committee decided to disband, the group was given a donation of £300. We brought two new fibre glass kayaks and buoyancy aids.
Sausage Supper and Parents Show

Sausage Supper Talent Show in 1982 (Paul Snelling DSL back row – with more hair then!)
We held a Sausage Supper and Parents Show in 1982, a meal of sausages, beans and jacket potatoes were served to the hungry Cubs and Scouts. The Cubs sang a song about a man from Kalamazoo and acted out a few plays. The Scouts entertained with the Sailor’s Hornpipe and some gymnastics with Ian Fisher dressing up as a clown.
A Man from Kalamazoo
On Saturday 27th February 1982 – 1st Bures Cubs & Scouts had a Sausage Supper in the village hall.
It started at 5pm and ended at 9.30pm. The doors were opened to our parents at 7pm. My mum is an Akela of the village Cub Pack. The Cubs sang a song about A Man from Kalamazoo (don’t ask me where that is!) and they also acted out a few plays.
The Scout Troop did the Sailor’s Hornpipe and some gymnastics. But before all of that of course, we had some grub!
Written by Ivan Ambrose Assistant Patrol Leader
Tiger Hill Woods Camp
The Cub Pack held a camp at Tiger Hill Woods– the Leaders made them an aerial runway as part of the obstacle course. This was nicked named ‘The Slide of Death’, all the Cubs had a go except Alaistair Meeks. Norman Smith (CSL) persuaded him to have a go and helped him up the ladder. He placed his two hands inside the loops. Alaistair said to Akela: ‘my feet don’t want to leave the ladder’ – Akela then said: ‘hang on’ and pushed the ladder away – to the cheers from the pack!
Trip to Chocolate Factory
Our Summer Camp this year in 1982, was held in Wisset near Halesworth, Suffolk. We left the SHQ in our hired minibus with Roy Hartley driving. We were driving along the old A12 when the minibus came to a halt – we had run out of petrol. Likely a garage was to not too far away and we all got out and pushed. We made a commando bridge across the muddy pond and the Patrol Leaders went by train to Beccles. Nigel Hysom had a very near escape, as he fell from a tree 20 feet up narrowly missing the barbed wire fence by inches. He landed in a bramble bush on the bank of the pond and was very shaken. Andrew Boyce (ASL) raced to the scene, crossing the bridge, but the bridge collapsed, Andy ending up waist deep in the stagnant pond!
We visited Norwich and went on a guided tour of the Rowntree’s Mackintosh sweet factory – seeing the Easter eggs being made in August! The highlight of the tour – we were all given some free sweets.
Logs for the Old Folk
After Dedham Vale Society had coppiced the Limes next to Wharf Lane near the Church in 1983, the Scout Group was asked if it could make use of the wood. Arthur had one of his ideas, we would use the branches and cut into logs for the old folk. Gordon Webber leant us his pick-up truck to collect (10 loads). We held a camp at the SHQ to cut and bag up the logs. At Christmas time, we distributed the logs around the village. Andrew Boyce becomes a Assistant Leader.
First Aid Badge
The Cub Pack did First Aid as one of the badge requirements that winter in 1984. Akela was showing the boys how to treat for nose bleeds – ‘pinch nose and head back’ in those days. A volunteer patient was needed, up stepped Nicholas Warley from Little Cornard he said: ‘try not to hit me to hard Akela’ as if he would do a thing like that!
Toilet Tent
After arriving at Beeston Regis for our Summer Camp in 1985, we found that we had left the toilet tent behind – big problem. We used a hike tent and dug a 3 foot hole to allow us to sit down inside. Some Scouts constructed a hike tent in a tree for their pioneering project. David Fookes joined us as an Assistant Leader from Mount Bures.
1st Prize at Carnival

Scout float ’25th Anniversary’ of Bures Carnival in 1986.
This was the 25th Anniversary of the Bures Carnival in 1986. The Scouts made a float with 25 candles and spelt out the theme ‘25 years’. The Group won the best decorated children’s float. Paul Snelling is warranted as an Assistant Leader.

Back row: Silas Penfold, Arthur Haywood. Front row: John Brooks, Matthew Clayton, Louis Brooks, Ian Twitchett, Daniel Saer and Brian Warden.
Retirement for Roy

Roy Hartley receives his barometer in 1987 with Rev. William Patterson in attendance.
After 34 years associated with the Group, Roy Hartley (Tam to the Scouts) decided to hang up his scarf and woggle in 1987. He was presented with a barometer for all his hard work by Lt. Colonel Richard Probert (OBE), after a parents supporters meeting at the SHQ.
Wet and Muddy

A very wet and muddy Summer Camp at Rollesbury, Norfolk.
Summer Camp in 1987 was held at Rollesbury Hall, twenty-one Scouts attended, we had torrential rain for five out of the seven days, we even had to move the dinning shelter due to the liquid mud, we still did six and twelve mile hikes.
District Camp
The District Camp was held at Great Bevills, Bures, the Troop came in first place to gain the Stirling Shield. Brian Warden gained the Thumb Stick for the best PL in the District at the PL Training Weekend.
Extension In-Fill

Extension in-fill in 1988 between the main hall and tin hut.
The Supporters Committee raised £4k for an extension. Plans were put forward for an Extension in-fill between the main hall and the tin hut in 1988. They were approved and work progressed with Peter Ansell (builder) being given the job. The extension consisted of: toilet and wash basin, kitchen sink, hot water heater and lobby area and there was also a door through to the tin hut. This was the first time that a toilet had been installed at the Scout Headquarters since it was put up in 1968! And prior to that there was urinal area at the back of the hut only.
Beaver Colony Started

Photo taken probably in 1988 at the Sausage Supper Talent Show with our new Beaver Colony.
The Beaver Colony started with three Leaders Katie Buckle (nee Ryman), Gillian Porter and Wendy Bright and 20 Beavers aged from 6–8 years and a waiting list in 1988.
Carnival 1988
Our Colony did their first float at the Carnival this year.

Beaver Colony float in 1988.
Arthur’s Last Camp
In 1988, the Troop held a week’s Summer Camp at Walesby near Ollerton, Nottinghamshire, this was ‘Skips’ last summer camp in charge. Andrew Boyce becomes Scout Leader with Paul Snelling assistant. Arthur takes over as Group Scout Leader role for 2 years.

Arthur Haywood’s last Summer Camp at Walesby, Notts in 1988.
Leadership Two Training
Paul Snelling (ASL) completes his Leadership Two Training at Hallowtree Camp Site, Nacton and Arcade Street, Ipswich and gains his Wood Badge.
The 1990's
Arthur Retires

Bures St Mary’s Church. At the Funeral of Arthur Haywood – Skip. Right to Left: Nod Patterson (Haverhill Leader), Paul Snelling, David Lee, Brenda Janes, Graham Boyce and Nigel Norton.
In 1990 Arthur became 65 years old, this meant he had to retire from the Scout Group. We held a farewell party in the village hall with 250 people attending. It was a trip down memory lane which included slides and photographs of Scouting from the 1950’s to the present day. A presentation was made to him by Lt Colonel Richard Probert (OBE). Arthur was given a electric DIY bench and Betty was presented with two tickets for a London show. Arthur was also awarded a prestigious Long Service Award in the shape of a badge and a Silver Acorn for his 30 years service. Sadly in 1998 Arthur passed away.
Carnival 1990
Cubs on the float.

Cubs on the float in 1990.
Spanish Armada Parade
To celebrate the 400th Anniversary of the Spanish Armada, the District took part in a lighted torch relay. Bures Scouts relayed from Bures to Great Cornard. Justin Carpenter helped light the 20 foot beacon at The Croft, Sudbury.
New Experiences at Camp
This was our first year at Summer Camp without Arthur (‘Skip’ to the Scouts). We attended Skreens Park, Roxwell near Chelmsford, Essex in 1989, ten Scouts with Paul Snelling, Andrew Boyce as Leaders and Graham Boyce as helper. We swam, fished and canoed in the lake and built a swinging derrick bridge and visited Duxford Air Museum and Cambridge.
Balloon Race
One of our fund raising activities this year in 1990 was a Balloon Race. We sold over two thousand tickets with sponsorship coming from NatWest Bank. Some balloons finished as far afield as Norfolk, Denmark and Germany.
Cubs Lose Final

Bures Cubs Football Team.
Bures Cubs were beaten by Clare ‘B’ in the final of the District 5-a-side Football Competition. Bures team were: Edward Holt, James Marshall, Stuart Lumley, Gianni Bassi, Lee Underhill and Andrew Ward.
Pioneering Competition

Robert York and Matthew Minis – District Pioneering camp – rafting on the River Stour at Bures.
This was held at Bures beside the River Stour opposite Great Bevills, Bures in December. The challenge was to build a raft and sleep on it for one night. A two man hike tent was positioned on the deck of the raft, lucky no-one fell in! The Bures team was: Andrew, Matthew and Daniel Minis and Robert York.
SOS Magnetic
A Sausage Supper was held in the Village Hall in April 1991. The Scouts entertained the parents with a one-off play called SOS Magnetic with the Cubs doing songs around the campfire. Matthew Clayton was presented the Chief Scout Award. Nigel Norton joins the Group and becomes an Assistant Leader.
Sudbury & Essex Jamborees

Essex International Jamboree at Great Leighs Show Ground in 1992. Nigel Norton standing under the camp gate.
In 1992 the Scouts went on two Jamboree Camps, the first in May held at Pentlow Hall Farm, Cavendish, Suffolk on the banks of the River Stour for the first ever Sudbury District Jamboree. A few lucky Scouts had the chance to accompany Brian Clampin (DC) in his private aircraft. They buzzed over the site to take aerial photographs of the camp. The second Jamboree was the Essex International held at The Essex Showground, Great Leighs – four thousand Scouts attended. The boys from Bures made many friends especially the Girl Guides who were camping next to us. We caught the boys having a kissing contest in the mess tent one night – this was won apparently by Joel Furniss! Lee Underhill spent seven hours in casualty after he had sprained his ankle trying to impress the girls at long jump!
Chief Scout Award

Robert York receiving his Chief Scout Award from Brian Clampin (DC).
Robert York was presented with the Chief Scout Award by Brian Clampin (DC).
Memorial Tree

Flowering Crab Apple Tree (Malus Rudolph) in full bloom – April 2019.
In 1993 Ken Janes took over the job of Cub Scout Leader with Mark Pickford and help from Ken’s wife – Brenda. Sadly the following year, Ken became very ill and died in February 1995. We held a Memorial Tree Planting Service at the Scout Headquarters, we planted a Flowering Crab Apple, (still flowering in the grounds every April/May). Graham Boyce becomes an Assistant Leader and follows in his brother footsteps.
Carnival Raft Races
We took part in the Carnival Race’s in the 90’s – the days before Health & Safety and Liability Insurance put a stop to it. The Races would start just before Lamarsh Regulator Weir and finish at the Recreation Ground. Loads of people watching from the bank and Road Bridge. Flour and eggs were thrown from the bridge!

Leaders Raft. Nigel Norton, Paul Snelling, Scout Calvin Brooker and Graham Boyce.

Middle Scout: Matthew Saer – not sure of the others!
Fishing Competition
Our Summer Camp in August was held at Barningham Hall, Matlaske, near Holt, North Norfolk. We did many activities canoeing, fishing on the private lake, aerial runway and bivoucs. The fishing did not prove to be very special as there was too much noise from the Scouts. Karl Delaine and Jamie Russell was not very happy about catching nothing all day. They asked Nigel Norton if they could wake him up at 4.00am in the morning the next day. Nigel said yes thinking they would sleep through to 7am, but to Nigel’s delight two heads appeared at the door of our tent the next morning and up he got. They caught many fish (perch and roach), Karl won the fishing competition on camp.

Summer Camp 1996 – Matlaske. Back row Leaders: Graham Boyce, Nigel Norton, Paul Snelling, William Robinson and Alan Munson.
Sand in Food
We held a Patrol Camp at Little Bevills, Bures in May 1994. For our dinner on Saturday evening we decided to cook Hawaii style. We dug a very large pit, luckily it was very sandy and did not take long. We acquired a old shopping trolley and used the upper cage, we put hessian sacks around the outside to protect the food from burning. Meat, potatoes, chopped veg were wrapped into parcels using cabbage leaves. A fire was lit early in the afternoon to get hot embers. The cage was lowered into the hole and was covered totally using the sacks and were left for three hours. By the evening everyone was hungry and the cage was pulled to the top.
After opening the parcels – we found that the food was burnt and sand had got in somehow! There was lots of moans and groans, by this time it was also pouring with rain, cold and getting dark. We decided to cut our loses and go and buy some fish and chips to the delight of the boys!
Carnival Fun in the 90’s

A bloodcurdling – Bures Cubs version of the BBC hospital drama Casualty.

Bures Cubs – World Cup winners.
Chief Scout Award & Chief Scout Challenge

Jamie Russell & Duncan Baird receiving their Chief Scout Award from Heather Elliott (DC).
Duncan Baird and Jamie Russell received their Chief Scout Award from Heather Ellliott (DC) in April 1995. Duncan & Jamie walked the River Stour Valley Walk from Newmarket to Cattawade Bridge – a distance of 62 miles over 3 days and did a project on The Changing River. They then gave a talk to the troop on their adventure.
Girls in Scouts
In 1997, the Scout Group decided to go mixed. All members of the group voted and parents also had their say – the change was implemented by Group Leader, Alan Munson. Seven girls joined the group that Easter. Brenda Janes and Jan Aries joined the Scout Group and become Assistant Scout Leaders. An additional toilet was added in the tin hut by Alan Munson (GSL) for the girls.

Summer Camp 1997 held at Kingsdown, Deal, Kent. Our first mixed camp with girls.
Carnival 1999
Cubs taking part in the Carnival Walking Float – England 66′ World Cup Winners!

David Lee (CSL), Carl Sibbons (ACSL) and Andrea Carter (ACSL).
The Camping Area near SHQ

Old cladding removed from the SHQ.
In 2000 we have been leased 3 acres of pasture and woodland near our SHQ, Scouts have started clearing trees and brambles ready for groups to camp, rafting and kayaking. We have now joined forces with the Guides, Brownies and Rainbows in the village, they will be helping with funding raising and will meet at the SHQ on Tuesday evenings as from September 1999. We have managed to re-start our Beaver Colony and welcome Graham Curtis (BSL) and Andrea Carter (ABSL) into the group.
We have spent a large amount of our fund-raising money on the SHQ building – decorating main hall, re-wiring, new lights, heaters, new floodlights and re-felt and cladding on the exterior. This work was done by Supporters Committee and parent Rik Chapman. We updated our buoyancy aids and bought a plastic kayak. Jamie Russell has now become a helper in the Scout section.
Weather Vane Memorial

Andrew Boyce with Rev. Robin King.
We held a short Memorial Service at the Scout Headquarters for Graham Boyce (Boggis), (ASL) in 2000 – who died the previous year. The service was led by the Rev. Robin King – a Weather Vane in the shape of a size 12 German Paratrooper boot was dedicated in the memory of Graham. It was placed on the Weather Vane by his older brother Andrew.

Andrew placing the Weather Vane on the pole at SHQ.
Bill Snelling was awarded a Certificate for Services to Scouting by Heather Elliott (DC), he has served as Group Treasurer for the past 20 years.
Camp That Never Was
Sudbury District Sudboree was going to be held at Boxford Spinney over the May Spring Bank Holiday weekend in 2000 – the weather leading up to the camp was not good. Food and transport arranged and equipment packed for a Friday evening arrival. It started raining heavy during the afternoon and never stopped. We got the call from the DC that she had moved the arrival to the Saturday.
We assembled at the Scout Headquarters and travelled over to Boxford – where was everyone? The DC had called it off due to more rain and had failed to contact us to let us know it was off! With all the food purchased – we decided to do a camp at Bures.
We did kayaking, pioneering and played games between the heavy showers! On Sunday, the weather had not improved and we decided to call it a day. The Sudboree was rearranged for September – but there was a fuel strike by the tanker drivers and it failed to materialise – the Sudboree Camp that was never was!
New Uniform, Logo and Sections
This took four years to implement by the Scout Association and at a cost of £2 million in 2001. Beavers, Cubs and Scouts got a new uniform and we said bye bye to the mushroom trousers which we hated! We lost the Venture Section and gained two – Pathfinder and Network Scout Sections. A new programme was launched in April 2002.
St. George’s Day Awards
At the St. George’s Day Parade in Lavenham in April 2001, Paul Snelling (SL) and David Lee (CSL) were presented with Long Service Awards for 15 and ten years respectively by Gordon Edgar (DC).
10 Year’s Service Award
Nigel Norton (ASL) received his Chief Scout’s 10 Year’s Service Award from the Gordon Edgar (DC) at the St. George’s Day Service, Long Melford in April 2002.
Celebrating 50 Years of Scouting and Reunion

Supporters and past ex-Scouts in the main hall looking at our history displays.
This was our 50th Year of Scouting in Bures 1952–2002 or continued Scouting in the village. It was going to be a very busy year of organising the 50th Camp, designing the 50th Badge, writing about the History of Bures Scout Group, launching the web site and trying to recruit a new Group Scout Leader.
The 50th Camp was excellent and blessed with hot weather and plenty of ex-Scouters, helpers and Supporters Committee attended the BBQ get together at the Headquarters. Inside the SHQ, we displayed photos, slides and memorabilia.

Camp photo in our camp site.
In the early part of the year, I decided to write about the History of Group and found out that the group had been going a lot longer than first thought. The Group started 1911 and is one of the oldest groups in the Sudbury District. The group then stopped/started due to the two World Wars. The History was published in the Parish Magazine in three parts 1950’s, 1960’s-1970’s and 1980’s to the present day and was well received by the villagers and made it all worthwhile. I was interviewed by Essex and Suffolk Radio about the Reunion and Camp.
Camp Badge & Web Site Launch
The design for the badge was given to the Cubs and Scouts to design, unfortunately we only got two entries of which none were suitable. I came up with a few ideas myself and passed these onto David Lee, Nigel Norton and Becky Butcher which we all came to an agreement about the design. We wore the badge on our uniform throughout the year. We finally got the web site up and running in August 2002 with the help of Paul Remblance (District Admin).
New Group Scout Leader
After three years of Paul Snelling acting Group Leader – I asked Graham Lumley at the BBQ in June 2002 – if he was interested in becoming Group Scout Leader. He had plenty of Scouting experience and was our Cub Leader in the 80’s. After a month, he came back and said he would take on the position. I officially passed on my duties in August!
Carnival Fun floats in 2002
Bures Scouts as Bay City Rollers and Cubs (walking float) as Climbers on Mount Everest!

Cubs conquering Mount Everest!

The rock and rollers Scout float.
Sausage Supper Talent Show 2003

Sausage Supper before the Talent Show.
Cubs, Brownies and Scouts took part in our Talent Show held in the Community Centre in April 2003. Scouts performed a Sketch of Monty Python – Spam Spam Wonderful Spam.

Group Photo on the Stage!
St George’s Day Parade 2005

Cubs and Scouts waiting for the parade to start!
New Leader
Eddie Gordon (ASL) joins our Scout Troop in 2006 after moving from Shenfield, Essex. Eddie visited Bures when he went on Summer Camps to Lamarsh, Essex and liked the area so much – he decided to retire here!
Re-Development Plans of SHQ
In 2006, we first talked about up grading the facilities at the Scout & Guide Headquarters at a Supporters Meeting held in The Eight Bells Public House. The first part of the re-development was to build a new storage shed for the troop and this was constructed in October 2007 and cost £6k. All the camping equipment stored in the tin hut and in the green cupboards was transferred into the new store over the Christmas period of 2007. The green cupboards were then shelved out for each section night’s equipment and the old metal cabinets were given away to Earl Soham Scout Group and the Main Hall was then decorated. Plans were draw up consisting of kitchen, showers and toilets within the space of the lobby and tin hut area – plans were passed and granted in 2007. We had a change of chairperson and treasurer within the group and in 2009 Kate Mitchell became our new chairperson and the extension was put back on the agenda.
Long Service Award
Becky Butcher (ASL) received her 5 year Service Certificate from Gordon Edgar (DC) in April 2007 at the George’s Day Service, Long Melford. Sadly in September after our group camp Becky will be stepping down.
Sudboree Camp

Water Slide on a cold rainy day at Boxford Spinney!
This was held at Boxford Spinney – home to 1st Boxford Scout Group over the May bank holiday weekend. We were celebrating 100 years of Scouting – ‘Join the Centenary’. We all arrived on Friday (35 of us) evening, Scouts and Cubs played games and explored the woods in and around The Spinney Camp Site.
On Saturday at 7am Mark Miller (Boxford SL) blew his bugle to make sure everyone was up. Of course we were! Our Cubs were up playing football just after 6am! After breakfast we gathered round the flag pole for the opening ceremony led by Gordon Edgar (DC). Then it was off to do the many activities on offer: abseiling, archery, pond dipping, aerial runway, BMX bikes, fishing, cave stimulator, canoeing, Canadian canoeing, rafting, crate stack, air rifles, traverse climbing wall, pioneering, backwoods cooking, water slide, grass sledging and crafts. Bures Leaders ran the water slide, aerial runway and grass sledging.

Flag break on Saturday morning.
In the evening Project Seven ran the BBQ serving burgers and sausages afterwards 1st Great Cornard supervised the firework display – they let off 100 rockets to celebrate 100 years of Scouting in the UK when Baden-Powell took his 12 Scouts for a camp on Brownsea Island, Poole, Dorset in 1907.
On Sunday we got ready for Scouts Own which was going to be held around the flag pole – but it started to rain so it was off to the woods for a bit of cover. The service was led by Rev. Tony Moore (District Chaplain). By this time it was raining harder and our Beavers had arrived on-site to do some of the activities. Some of the activities were cancelled due to safety reasons i.e. aerial runway as the tower was very wet! There was not much call for the water slide – still raining and a cold wind now blowing. This did not dampen our spirits with most of the activities still going ahead!
In the afternoon – there was a display of birds of prey from the Raptor Centre near Ely – due to the rain there was no flying display! They gave a talk about the Owls and brought over five Owls for us to see with some standing on blocks of wood.

Beavers having fun doing Grass Sledging on the bank at The Spinney.
With the weather getting worse – heavy rain and very windy, it was decided to send the Cubs home after they had attended their camp fire in the Scout Hut! Scouts were given a choice of staying or going home. Five stayed – all girls! A few tents blew down (not ours) – by now there was strong wind and driving rain.
When we awoke on Monday morning, it was still raining – so after breakfast we striked camp – leaving just the mess tent standing which we would collect on Thursday evening with the hope of the weather improving. Many of the cars and Nigel’s truck had to be towed off the site by the farmer’s tractor. The tents took three days to dry out with our wall heaters on!
David Lee Retires

David sitting in his chair with his mug on the table.
After 17 year’s of being a Leader to Beavers and Cubs – David Lee (CSL) was given a surprise presentation evening in The Eight Bells Public House on Friday 25th July 2007. The group invited all Leaders, Supporters and any ex-Cubs down to the Public House and wished David a happy retirement. There were photographs on display especially from District Camps and activities. Graham Lumley (GSL) presented David with a wooden garden lounge chair and was followed by a light buffet.
LDV Mini Bus
We purchased a second-hand LDV Minibus from 13th Ipswich Scout Group in July 2007 at a cost of £1k and this was first used for our Summer Camp to Cumbria.
Great Tower
This was the first time that we would visit Cumbria for our Summer Camp staying at Great Tower Camp Site. We travelled up their in our mini bus and Fordham Church’s Mini bus. we stayed in the bunk house with kitchen and dining room facilities. We did activities of: sailing and swimming on Lake Windermere, hiking, caving, gill scrambling, mountain biking, climbing, abseiling, archery and air rifle shooting. We had a small accident with George Manning (Scout) who fell off the rope swing, hit his knee on the rocks causing a large cut. He was taken to hospital by Jeanette Weavers (ASL) and Debbie Campbell (ASL). Poor George missed some of the activities due to the injury!
World Jamboree
We visited to the 21st World Scout Jamboree at Hylands Park, Chelmsford, Essex in August 2007 – this was a once in a life time opportunity to visit and sample the atmosphere of a very large jamboree. 40k Scouts from almost every country in the world camped in the grounds of Hylands Park for 12 days of activities on-site and off-site.

At the entrance to the World Jamboree at Hylands Park, Chelmsford, Essex.
The camping field was spilt into different zones: World Issues, World Food and Drink, World Cultures, World Performance in the main arena and World Faiths and Beliefs.
Suffolk Scouts Award
We had continuous membership in our Group from 2006-2008.

Growth Award Certificate from Suffolk County Scouts
Group Sponsored Walk
We did a Sponsored Circular Walk around Arger Fen in May 2010 – we were raising money for our new extension. Beavers, Cubs, Brownies, Rainbows, Scouts and Explorers with parents all took part. We raised a sum of over £2k towards the new extension project. Afterwards there was a BBQ and drinks in the SHQ Grounds served by the Supporters Committee.
Sad Goodbye to LDV Minibus
Our LDV Mini bus was getting old and we had big problems with the engine – only firing on three cylinders! It would cost us £2k to keep it on the road replacing the engine, water pump and clutch. It was decided by the Supporters Committee that we should scrap it and put the money saved into the new Extension. We drove it over to Assington Scrap Yard and got a good price for the vehicle of £280!
It’s a go for the New Extension
In January 2010, Graham Lumley (ex-Group Scout Leader) came on board to became our Project/Grant Manager and we had an on-site meeting with Leaders and Supporters Group and he decided the extension should be bigger than t

Garage, Tin Hut and old Lobby Area to be demolished ready for the new extension build.
he ordinary design. We appointed a local architect and he drew up plans and these were passed at the end of 2010 consisting of three toilets, two showers, storage, lobby area, hall way, storage back room, kitchen and disabled toilet. A few parents helped move the pioneering pole rack to its now new position next to the storage shed and this was done in December 2010.

Contractors on site clearing the land ready for the foundations.
Getting Ready
In May, June and July 2011 – we cleared out the garage and tin hut. The garage was taken down and transported to Ardleigh near Colchester and the Tin Hut internal walls, wall panelling and shelving was taken down by Eddie Gordon (ASL) and the toilet disconnected by Richard Ansell (Plumber & Canoe Skills Instructor). The tin hut given away to Boxford Scout Group – The Spinney Camp Site for storage of kayaks and boats and was taken down by Gordon Edgar (Camp Site Warden), parents, Explorers and Leaders. The flooring was cut up by Nigel Norton (ASL) using his chain saw and placed onto the wood pile in the camp site and the tin hut was transported over to Boxford using Nigel’s truck and we managed to take everything down, recycle materials at no charge to the group!
Work Starts

The new extension taking shape in October 2011.
Builders were contracted to do the work and were on site on Monday 7th August 2011 as planned and the total cost of the project would be no more than £95k – this includes the extension (three toilets, two showers, disabled toilet room, kitchen, lobby area and storage room) and upgrade of electrics and mains water into the camp site.
Due to the building regulations and inspector from the council – the builder had to dig down to 2.4m for the foundations due to trees and this has cost us an extra £15k in more concrete, mixers, concrete pump, grab lorries and larger digger. Instead of a concrete floor we had a floating floor which has added more costs!

The press photo and Supporters of the Group!
PHASE ONE was completed at the end of September 2011 costing £30K. Graham managed to get grants from The Lesile Sell Charitable Trust (£1500); Braintree District Community Investment Partnership Fund (£25k); Bures Parish Councils (£200); Co-op Society (£1k); Suffolk Foundation Trust (£5k); Locality Budget (£1k); Essex County Council Big Society (£7500), Babergh District Council (£5k) and the group were given donations from Mount Bures Festival Scout Car Park Duty (£333); Three Horseshoes Public House Quiz Nights (£300); Waitrose Community Box (£446) and Bures Music Festival (£700) and the Supporters Group has raised a total of £25k over the last four years.
The sewage connection was completed in March 2012 as we were not allowed to connect to our existing cesspit – this cost us £1200 and the new electric connection from UK Power Networks £1200.
PHASE TWO begin in late August 2012 – this was for the block work, roof structure including roof lights.
PHASE THREE begin on Monday 1st October 2012 with the tussles and roof supports put into place. The felt roof, windows and lobby door was completed end of October and the internal walls for the disabled toilet and kitchen were built.
PHASE FOUR was completed in early December – this was for the doors to outside toilets, showers and storage room, soak a way and guttering.
PHASE FIVE was for the electrics and plumbing, door way through to the main hall and plasterboard work, tiles in showers and this was completed over the next couple of months.
Summer Camp at Buddens
We set off on our Summer Camp to Wareham, Dorset on Saturday 18th August 2012 for a week’s camping at Buddens Scout Centre. We did activities of: volleyball, swing ball, climbing, swimming in the lake next the camp site, crate stacking and archery.

Standing next to the Commemorated Stone celebrating 100 Years of Scouting – Brownsea Island.

Fish and Chips after our trip to the Tank Museum!
We caught the ferry from Poole Harbour and crossed the sea to Brownsea Island – for one night. The birthplace of the very first camp set up by Baden-Powell in 1907!
We also did a hike from Corfe Castle to Swanage via the Purbeck Hills and into Swanage Bay and travelled back on the Swanage Steam Railway and our day out was at The Tank Museum at Wool, Bovington.
One Last Big Push
In March 2013 – a dedicated few parents’ help decorate the extension and the Graham handed over the keys to the group at the end of April 2013. The new kitchen, tiling and flooring was completed in August and September and the total cost of the extension came to £85k.
Grand Opening of the New Extension Facilities

Graham Lumley (Project Manager) with his souvenir brick at the Opening Ceremony!
On Sunday 15th September 2013, Graham Lumley, Project Manager, (ex-Cub Leader & GSL) opened the new extension at The Scout & Guide Headquarters, The Croft, Bures. During the afternoon, we enjoyed a BBQ, refreshments, games, raffle, stalls and of course the ribbon cutting which confirmed the new facilities open for business. Many members of the Scout & Guide Movement were present which included Graham Smith (DC Sudbury District), John and Jenny Mullan (CC), Karen Raffell (ADC) and ex-Scouters and pass Supporters of the Group, Bures Parish Councillors – there were approx. 100 people who witnessed the opening with Paul Snelling telling everyone about the history of this project which started way back in 2006.

Look what we achievement!
We now have a fully fitted kitchen, external store, internal storage, disabled toilet, two showers and three toilets for campers to use at our campsite which will ensure everyone is happy with these new facilities. The Group will be able to do many more activities and the increased storage will make life so much easier for everyone.
Over the last few years so many people have contributed in many different ways to this new extension. Our thanks go to Graham Lumley (Project Manager) and Kate Sarley (ex-Chair) for all their hard work during the project. Scout Leader, Paul Snelling together with Bill Snelling, Eddie Gordon (ASL) and Nigel Norton (ASL) were so dedicated in helping the project along. There were many working weekends to get additional jobs completed and the main contractor T5 were superb and all the trades that were involved did a brilliant job. The amazing team who helped fundraise £40k (£85k final build costs) include the Section Leaders, their Assistants and Helpers, Supporters Committee and supportive parents. Donations to the Buy a Brick Campaign, community grants and other donations we received all helped to achieve the finished building we have today. Cathy Platt (Chair).
New Leader for Scout Troop

Cooking our breakfast on our Summer Camp. You can’t beat open fire cooked sausages!
Gene Goodchild (ASL) has sadly moved to Newcastle due to a work promotion in November 2011. Liz Moulton of Wakes Colne came forward after seeing an ad on our web site and will take over from Gene. Liz also helps out at the Baptise Church Youth Club.
Parents Christmas Meal
As a finale for a fantastic year Bures Dragons Explorers ran a Parents evening in the Community Centre in December 2011. The Explorers planned and cooked a three course meal for over 20 parents and family members. In advance of the night – they prepared their menu, decided on shopping lists and budgets worked out how much of everything they would need. They also created invitations and table menus.
On the actual night – they dressed in black and white and served a superb meal. They cooked everything as well as setting tables and making decorations to ensure that the room looked very festive. They served drinks and were very attentive hosts. The Explorers spent 3 weeks writing and filming their own version of a modern nativity story which they shared with the parents. This was received with much laughter and appreciation. The final scene culminated in a live ending with the key characters running into the room.
20 Year’s Service Award

Graham Smith (DC) presenting Nigel Norton (ASL) with his Long Service Award.
Nigel Norton (ASL) received his Chief Scout’s 20 Year’s Service Award from the Graham Smith (DC) at Bures Scout Headquarters in March 2012.
Remembering the Fallen former Scouts from Bures Troop in 1914

Scouts with crosses remembering the Fallen Heroes of WWI.
We identified four former Scouts who fought in the First World War 1914-1918 (George Baxter, Herbert Francis, Page Baxter and Stanley Prior) were killed in action from the 1911 troop photograph taken outside the Eight Bells Public House (see Early Years). We had some crosses made up by a company in Leicestershire and the Scouts presented these crosses at the Remembrance Day Parade, November 2014 to the Royal British Legion and placed next to the War Memorial.
We were visited by a family member (March 2019) doing their Family History of Herbert Francis. She told us that he died in France on the 10th April 1918 (no known grave) aged just 19, and through documentation it is shown he enlisted in the 11th Suffolk Regiment, (Gibraltar Barracks, Bury St Edmunds) at just over sixteen and half years of age, therefor being an under-age solider.
Headquarters upgrade

New cladding & guttering to main hall building
During the autumn of 2014 our main hall was re-cladded, insulated and new black guttering and side store rebuilt and in the spring 2015 we had our 3 toilets and 2 shower rooms totally tiled (floor to ceiling) and they look very smart. Campers have said ‘they are the best – they have ever seen on a campsite’. If ‘Bures did toilets/showers they would probably be the best in the world’.
Gold Growth Group
Bures Scout Group was presented with a Certificate from Jenny Mullen (CC) at the Sudbury District AGM in July 2015 – Gold Growth Group. We had growth in the Group of 5 per cent or more on the 2014 Census.
Chief Scout Gold Award
The Graham Smith (DC) visited the troop in July 2015 to present Callum Byrne with his Chief Scout Gold Award – the highest Scouting Award.

Callum being presented with the Chief Scout Gold Award
New Ford Minibus

Our new Ford Transit Minibus.
As our Group is expanding rapidly – the Supporters Committee thought it would be a great ideal if we brought a Minibus again. After 3 months of searching – we finally found one at a Commercial Dealer near Eastbourne, Sussex. Ford Transit 17 seater with tow bar and had only done 21k. Paul and Eddie travelled down there in January 2016 and brought it back – a great asset to the group. We got our logo and branding on the minibus and looks very smart!
30 Year’s Service Award
Paul Snelling (DSL) received his Chief Scout’s 30 Year’s Service Award from the Graham Smith (DC) at the St. George’s Day Service, Long Melford in April 2016.
Wood Badge Completed

Graham Smith (DC) presenting Liz Moulton (ASL) with her Wood Badge.
Liz Moulton (ASL) received her Wood Badge (Leader Training) from Graham Smith (DC) in November 2016 at the Scout Headquarters.
Long Service Award

Tony Waring (GSL) presenting Liz Moulton (ASL) with her 5 year Service Award.
Liz Moulton (ASL) completed her 5 Year’s Long Service Award presented to her from Tony Waring (GSL) after the Scout meeting in September 2017.
Explorers Reformed
In September 2018, we reformed our Explorer Unit with 10 Scouts moving up to the new section – just meeting once a month in September and October and finally started weekly in November. Tony Waring (GSL) and Liz Moulton (ASL) are working hard getting it going.
AGM & Awards Presentation Evening

Group photo in our Headquarters Ground at the AGM in June.
We had our biggest turn for our AGM & Awards evening held in our grounds in May 2019. Four Scouts gained their Chief Scout Gold Award – Lou Lou Wood, Hollie Platt, James Brasier and Blake Wood. Awards were also given out to Scouts, Cubs and Beavers. Followed by a BBQ ran by the Supporters Committee.

The four Scouts who gained their Chief Scout Challenge Award.
Investiture of New Leader
Ian Woodman (ASL) is being invested outside the St Mary’s Church prior to Remembrance Day Service by Tony Waring (GSL) in November 2019.

Ian Woodman (ASL) being invested outside the church.

Explorer Ella McCory (left), British Legion Phyllida Hallidie and Scout Keira Waring (right).
A decade of Growth
We finished the decade with a massive growth in our Scout Group – we now have Explorers and a total membership of 99 – not bad for a village. Beavers, Cubs and Scouts bursting with high numbers and sadly a long waiting list – which we are trying to manage. We have a fantastic Leadership Team and a Supporters Group & Executive Committee with great facilities and a lovely campsite.
2020 - Present
The Pandemic Year
We return in January to a new year with loads of activities planned for the year including our Summer Camp at Buddens, Wareham, Dorset. We met for just two months and then the PM Boris Johnson took us all into lockdown.
Scouts and Cubs have been doing Zoom Meetings and has proved quite successful. We even held a Virtual Camp for the Scout Troop in August with Scouts doing various challenges in their homes and in gardens. They did: tent pitching, Kim’s Game, Quiz around the Village using What3Words, making Cup Cakes, constructing Spaghetti Tower and to finish off Tent Inspection on the Sunday Morning.

Spaghetti Tower Challenge.
Maintenance on SHQ

New felt roof going on to the Main Hall at our Headquarters in September 2020.
Even in lockdown, we still have had expenditure on the Headquarters. We had a new felt roof on the main hall and troop store, facial boards as well as two new roof skylights.
We hope to return to normal face to face Scouting – probably in the spring time!
Callum Byrne completes his Wood Badge 2022
Callum Byrne (ASL) was presented his Wood Badge (Leader Training) by Tony Waring (GSL) at the end of the Scout Troop Meeting on Monday 24th January 2022.

Callum Byrne (ASL) being presented his Wood Badge by Tony Waring (GSL) in January 2022.
This took Callum a couple of years to complete with the help of his Leadership team at Bures.
Andrew Boyce – Welcome Back!
On Tuesday 21st March 2023 – Andrew Boyce (AESL) was invested into the Unit by Julie Penny (ADC Explorers) and 3 new members. Andy has rejoined the group after a period of 27 years away! He was Scout Leader and Assistant Leader in the late 70’s, 80’s and early 90’s.

Andrew Boyce (AESL) rejoins the group (far right).
Andy joins a very successful Explorer Section with 25 members. He will be a great edition to the unit and group. Welcome back!
Gone Home – John Ineson (former Scout Master) – March 2024
I am very sad indeed to pass on the news of the death of my great friend in Scouting John Ineson (former Scout Master & District Commissioner). John was 91 years old. He joined Suffolk Scouting aged 16 remaining in the County for the rest of his life.
He was a Rover Scout and then a Scout Master in Bures, Suffolk. After leaving his position of Scout Master – he took up the post of Sudbury District Commissioner. He was one of the first to arrange for his Group to go to camp on an international air flight to Austria for their Summer Camp.
He was a early early member of the Scout & Guide Stamp Club becoming it’s President and very well known internationally. He was a Silver Wolf (Award in Scouting) and an International Commissioner – very active in the return of Hungary to the Scouting family after fall of communism.

John Ineson (Scout Master) in 1955.
He helped found the Mafeking Museum and was responsible for the campaign to provide a headstone for the grave of Sergeant Major Warner Goodyear, the only Mafeking Cadet B.P. even named. (Warner Goodyear appeared on a Mafeking ‘Blue’ stamp). John without question had one of the best and widest collections of Scouting items ever assembled including pottery, stamps, postcards, cigarette cards, Baden-Powell artefacts and letters etc.
He was a personal friend of many members of the Baden-Powell family and most generous with his time and encouragement to all with a quest for knowledge. Our thoughts are with his wife Diane and family. He will be most sadly missed.
Paul Snelling
Scout Leader
Johns association with Framlingham was in 1943, when at the age of nine he attended Framlingham College – a Boarding School.
James Ruddock-Broyd also attended the same school.
He reported the first invitee to our Fram Society was John Ineson of Assington whom I had seen regularly since my mother approached him amongst 100 boys on Ipswich station on the first day of term in September asking John to ‘Look after little James on his first day’.
James also reports that ‘John had a whole room for his memorabilia on the Boer Wars which he may have got rid of lately. He also collected Fram stuff and his lists of boys in the school photos of his time were handed to me and I tidied them up and passed them on to Archives a few years ago’.
John’s Registry entry records for the Society, records that he was a seed analyst and member of Sudbury Round Table, Sudbury Philatelic Society, Sudbury Conservative Club, Hon Sec for Bures & District Agricultural Club, District Commissioner Sudbury and District Boy Scouts and West Suffolk Youth Advisory Committee.
In connection with his interest in philately, John published this book Paper Currency of the Anglo Boer War, 1899-1902.
Award for Liz at St George’s Day Service – April 2024
We attended St George’s Day Parade & Service at Long Melford to parade from the village hall car park to Holy Trinity Church with the rest of Sudbury District – Explorers, Scouts, Cubs, Beavers, Squirrels and Leaders.

Liz getting presented with her Award.
Liz Moulton (Explorer Leader) was presented with the Commissioner’s Commendation Award by Charmain Southgate (DC). Well done Liz on this achievement.
Award for Jo at the Group AGM – July 2024
At the AGM held on Tuesday 16th July 2024 at the SHQ. Jo Waring (CSL) received her Long Service Award for 30 years as a Cub Leader. This was presented by Tony Waring (GSL) in front of the members, trustees and parents.

Jo Waring receiving her 30 year Long Service Award from the GSL.
Congratulations from all at Bures Scout Group.
Olympic Bronze Medal Winner – August 2024
Charlie Dobson was a Cub & Scout in Bures Scout Group from 2008-2014. From Summer Camp to the Paris Olympics in 12 years!

Lightweight Camp. Stopping for lunch at Wissin Church. Charlie is in the middle in front of Nigel Norton (ASL).
He represented Great Britain Team in the 400m and 4 x 400m Relay.

Sitting at the table (red t-shirt) on Summer Camp, Dorset in 2012.
On Saturday 10th August 2024 Charlie run the fourth leg in the final and came in 3rd place.
Congratulations Charlie on your success and what a great achievement from all at Bures Scout Group.