Cub Section News
Remembrance Day Service & Parade – November 2024
All sections consisting of Explorers, Scouts, Cubs and Beavers took part in the service held in St Mary’s Church on Sunday 10th November 2024. Followed by parade and laying of wreaths at the War Memorial.
Group Camp – The Croft Campsite – June 2024
We set up our tents in the Campsite on Friday 21st June for a fun weekend of activities for Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorer Sections – this year camp theme was the Olympics.

Ready for flag on Saturday morning.
We did activities: Tomahawk throwing, kayaking on the River Stour, air rifle shooting, soft archery, arts & crafts – making medals, athletics fun, giant Olympic jigsaw scavenger hunt and games.
On Saturday evening we got around the campfire for singing and cooking marshmellows and smores on sticks.

Cooking marsh mellows on sticks over the campfire.
On Sunday after breakfast – Scouts Own and activities before packing up.
St George’s Day Parade & Service – April 2024
We attended St George’s Day Parade & Service at Long Melford to parade from the village hall car park to Holy Trinity Church with the rest of Sudbury District – Explorers, Scouts, Cubs, Beavers, Squirrels and Leaders.

Cubs getting ready for the parade.
The weather was better than last year – sunny but a bit cold. Liz Moulton (Explorer Leader) was presented with the Commissioner’s Commendation Award by Charmain Southgate (DC). Well done Liz on this achievement.
Well done everyone for representing 1st Bures Scout Group. You all looked smart in your uniforms.
Remembrance Day Service & Parade – November 2023

Cubs on Parade outside the War Memorial.
We took in part in the annual Remembrance Day Service and Parade held in St Mary’s Church. Explorers, Scouts, Cubs and Beavers were in the church and we took part in the service with a song, Scouts who fought in the WWI, poem and collection.

Flag Bearers for each section.
Well done on everyone for taking part and looking smart in your uniforms.
St George’s Day Parade & Service – April 2023

Getting ready to march up to the church.
After four years since our last St George’s Day Parade & Service due to Covid-19 etc. we returned to Long Melford to parade from the village hall car park to Holy Trinity Church with the rest of Sudbury District – Explorers, Scouts, Cubs, Beavers and Leaders.

Walking up the road to the church.
The weather was not good and we had a good turnout. Well done everyone for representing 1st Bures Scout Group. You all looked smart in your uniforms.
Group Leaders
Chief Scout’s Silver Award presentations
Well done to Kitty, Francesca and Amelia for completing your Chief Scout’s Silver Award. Jo Waring (Cub Leader) presented these awards on Monday 16th January 2023 at the end of the Troop meeting.
They had to complete the seven Challenge Awards as well as six staged or activity awards over the two years that they were in the Cub Pack. Congratulations.

Amelia with her Chief Scout Silver Award.

Freya with her Chief Scout Silver Award.

Francesca with her Chief Scout Silver Award.
Sudbury District Cubs Activity Day – September 2022
Held at Bradfield Combust Campsite near Bury St Edmunds. Cubs travelled over in the group minibus for a fun day on Sunday 25th September.

Cresta Run at Bradfield Combust Campsite.
Activities were: air rifle shooting, climbing & abseiling tower, first aid, cooking on wood fires and crafts.

Climbing Tower.
Group Jubilee Camp – The Croft Campsite – June 2022
We set up some of the tents for Cubs and dining room shelter on the Thursday evening.

Setting up the Lightweight Tents for Cubs.
On Friday evening the Cubs, Scouts and Explorers arrived at the campsite ready for a weekend of fun, activities and adventure.
The Beavers arrived at 9am ready for the activities and after flag break – all sections were split into different groups.

Soft Archery activity.
Activities were: kayaking, soft archery, art & crafts, tomahawk throwing, fire by friction, air rifle shooting and circus skills.

Kayaking on the River Stour.
In the evening we held a camp fire with Jo Waring leading the songs and afterwards – they toasted marsh mellows on the fire.

Camp fire in the log area.
The weekend finished with Scouts Own Service, investiture of new Cubs and 10 year’s Long Service Award to Liz Moulton, Woodbadge Certificate to Eddie Gordon and flag break.

Liz being awarded her 10 Year’s Long Service Award.
Thanks go to Helen Foster (chair) and her team for cooking the meals, Acton Scout Leaders for running the tomahawk throwing and 44th Colchester Scout Leaders for running the Fire by Friction and Tony Waring for organising the Group Camp and the Leaders Team.
The weekend was a great success and blessed with sunshine.
Paul, Callum, Eddie, Nigel, Ian, Jo,
Phil, Claire, Lisa, Steve, Phoebe & Tony
Easter Activity Afternoon – April 2022
Beavers & Cubs met together for a joint event on Sunday 10th April 2022 for an afternoon of fun activities.

Elastic Band Guns activity.
These included an Easter challenge trail where everyone received chocolate eggs upon completion of the trail, Easter themed craft where participants made amazing cards for their loved ones, Soft Archery and Elastic Band Guns in our two setup ranges, hitting lots of targets and scoring points.

Getting ready to fire on the Soft Archery Activity.
Followed by a Campfire, where we all came together to roast marsh mallows and make smores!
A fantastic afternoon, all the young people and Leaders thoroughly enjoyed themselves!
Beaver & Cub Leader