Explorer Section News

Remembrance Day Service & Parade – November 2024

All sections consisting of Explorers, Scouts, Cubs and Beavers took part in the service held in St Mary’s Church on Sunday 10th November 2024. Followed by parade and laying of wreaths at the War Memorial.

Silver Expedition Practice DofE, Peak District – October 2024

We left Bures Scout Headquarters on Saturday 26th October for our long journey to the Peak District. We picked up some other Explorers from Legacy (Great Horkesley) and Wivenhoe Explorers in Colchester. Then travelled via the A12 and A14/M1 Leciester – where we met up with some more from Colchester and Chelmsford.

Bures Explorers – getting ready to hike.

We finally arrived at Pindale Farm Campsite, Hope (Hope Valley) around 14.30hrs.

View from Pindale Farm Campsite.

We set up our tents and they chilled out playing cards and checking routes/route cards for hiking the following day in the barn before having fish and chips and we were all in bed by 21.00hrs!

A early start on Sunday and they set off around 08.00hrs – hiking via Cressbrook Dale, Monsal Trail onto Monsal Head where our second night was at Park House Farm Campsite.

Monsal Head – looking down at the old railway line. What a view!

On Monday – they walked via Bakewell and onto Rowsley to Barn Farm Campsite at Birchover near Matlock.

Rainbow at Barn Farm Campsite at Birchover.

On Tuesday – they hiked via Winster, Tissington Trail, High Peak Trail and finishing at Parwich Public House and we finally got home at 22.00hrs back in Bures. Everyone pleased that they had all completed their Silver DofE Practice.

Thorpeness Meare Day – September 2024

Inflatables race around the island on the Meare.

Scouts & Explorers took part in the County Thorpeness Meare Day on Saturday 28th September 2024. 100 Scouts and Guides attended from Suffolk.

Tug of War.

Rowing boats, canoes, games, inflatable rafts, Tug of War and a dip in the North Sea to get all the mud off! We finished off the day with a visit to Pizza Hut on the way home at Copdock, Ipswich.

Expedition Kayaking Trip – September 2024

This took place over the weekend of 21st-22nd SeptemberExplorers set off from our Campsite at The Croft and headed up stream towards Lamarsh. They had to portage around the weirs of Lamarsh Regulator, Daws Hall Nature Reserve, Shalford and finally to The Henny Swan Public House and having paddled a distance of 5 miles.

Going under the Railway line at Daws Hall Nature Reserve on the River Stour.

They took some of their gear in the kayaks and camped overnight at the Henny Campsite.

We made it to The Henny Swan Public House landing stage.

Thanks go to Phil and Ian for leading this Expedition. On Sunday – they paddled back to Bures.

Summer Camp – Youlbury, Boars Hill, Oxford – August 2024

Northmoor Lock – waiting for a canal boat to enter the lock chamber.

We loaded our kit into Nigel’s truck and trailer, group trailer, Eddie’s car and minibus for our journey to Youlbury, Boars Hill near Oxford (Scout Adventures) for a week’s camping. Finally arriving at 15.30hrs due to heavy traffic on the M25 and avoiding the M40!

3G Swing activity.

Saturday was setting up camp and formalising ourselves with the site layout. The site is set in woods with large mature trees with clearings for camping – we were pitched in Bluebell. The site was given away in his will by Sir Arthur Evans after his death in 1941 to the Scout Movement for reasonable fee with the site first being used from 1913 as a Scout Patrol Training Site.

Archery activity.

During the week – Scouts took part in: Campfire, 3G Swing, Archery, Abseiling, Crate Stacking, Zip Wire, Fencing, Pedal Go-Karts and Swimming off-site at Leys Leisure Pool using the inflatable’s and playing games of: Swing Ball, Kubb, Man Hunt and Laser Tag.

On Tuesday, we did an 8 mile hike and started at Farmoor Reservoir and walked to Pinkhill Lock where we crossed the River Thames and headed upstream to Bablock Hythe. Here we stopped for our packed lunch overlooking the river – sadly the Public House was shut (the only day it was closed was on Tuesday)! At Northmoor Lock Scouts helped some canal boats and lock keeper with opening and shutting the lock gates and we finished at Newbridge where we had a drink at the Public House after the long hot walk.

Helping the lock keeper opening the lock gates on the River Thames.

On Wednesday, we travelled into Oxford for using the park and ride bus service and had our packed lunch in Christ Park. We did a River Cruise on Salter’s Steamers from Folly’s Bridge downstream passing, Alice in Wonderland (Mad Hatter’s Tea Party), St Catherine’s College, Great Meadow, University Rowing Boat Clubs and finally turning around at the Bell Weir Lock next to the Boatman Public House.

Joining the other campers on-site for the campfire on Wednesday evening.

Afterwards, we did a Treasure Hunt (Murder Mystery Tour) solving the mystery of who done it and with what weapon – the walk was 2.5 miles long and took us 3 hours to complete taking in Bonn Square, Carfax, Bridge of Sighs, Christ Church Cathedral, Radcliffe Camera, University Church of St Mary the Virgin, Castle and Mound, Colleges and County Hall and we also saw the filming of Young Sherlock taking place and the day finished with fish and chips back at the campsite.

Abseiling on the tower at Youlbury – Scout Adventures.

On Friday morning the Scouts did Archery and then we packed up early due to heavy rain front heading our way and headed for home – eventually arriving in Bures 21.00hrs.

Group Camp – The Croft Campsite – June 2024

We set up our tents in the Campsite on Friday 21st June for a fun weekend of activities for Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorer Sections – this year camp theme was the Olympics.

Waiting for flag on Saturday morning.

We did activities: Tomahawk throwing, kayaking on the River Stour, air rifle shooting, soft archery, arts & crafts – making medals, athletics fun, giant olympic jigsaw scavenger hunt and games.

Air Rifle Shooting.

On Saturday evening we got around the campfire for singing and cooking marshmellows and smores on sticks.

Explorers getting the fire lighted for the campfire.

On Sunday after breakfast – Scouts Own and activities before packing up.

Gliding – May 2024

Scouts and Explorers visited the Suffolk & Essex Gliding Club at Wormingford Airfield, Essex over the half term.

Safety briefing before take off.

Each Scout & Explorer had a flight of 15 minutes over the Essex countryside with superb views.

Coming into land at Wormingford Airfield, Essex.

Afterwards we went into the Clubhouse to see some memorabilia when the station was used by the 8th/9th American Airforce during World War II.

Thanks to the Gliding Club for a great day out.

St George’s Day Parade & Service – April 2024

We attended St George’s Day Parade & Service at Long Melford to parade from the village hall car park to Holy Trinity Church with the rest of Sudbury District – Explorers, Scouts, Cubs, Beavers, Squirrels and Leaders.

Explorers inside the church – waiting for the service to begin.

The weather was better than last year – sunny but a bit cold. Liz Moulton (Explorer Leader) was presented with the Commissioner’s Commendation Award by Charmain Southgate (DC). Well done Liz on this achievement.

Liz getting presented with her Award.

Well done everyone for representing 1st Bures Scout Group. You all looked smart in your uniforms.

Remembrance Day Service & Parade – November 2023

Explorers inside St Mary’s Church.

We took in part in the annual Remembrance Day Service and Parade held in St Mary’s Church. Explorers, Scouts, Cubs and Beavers were in the church and we took part in the service with a song, Scouts who fought in the WWI, poem and collection.

Flag Bearers for each section.

Well done on everyone for taking part and looking smart in your uniforms.

Bronze DofE Expedition – June 2023

During the first heatwave of the year, the team of 6 arrived in Brockdish – 5 from Bures Explorers, and 1 joining them from Bury District. The team were in good spirits and eager to set off.

Ready for the hike.

During the planning stage, half had planned the route for day 1, and half for day 2. The Explorers decided that those who planned day 1 would navigate on day 1 and those who planned day 2 to navigate day 2.

Once the assessor had chatted with the team, it was clear that they were ready and properly equipped to undertake the expedition. The team set off up and around the village of Brockdish. The team were perfectly on time (according to how long they’d planned it would take) at the end of the first leg and set off for a long stretch of the Mid Suffolk footpath.

Resting under the tree in the shade in the village of Hoxne.

The team stopped for lunch and met with the assessor in the historic village of Hoxne. They seemed confident with the navigation and had done some work towards their aim of observing wildlife – capturing photos of birds and insects. It was very hot, so the team rested a full hour in the shade of a tree on the village green. A local gentleman spotted the minibus and stopped by to talk to them about the link between Bures and Hoxne – King Edmund was crowned in Bures and buried in Hoxne.

After a top up of sun cream and water, the team set off again through a trickier part of the countryside where the farm tracks didn’t always match the footpaths and woodland wasn’t always marked on the map, but they navigated well. They reached Eye Scout Hut about 7.5 hours after they’d set off from Brockdish.

They quickly set up tents and trangia stoves and cooked the meal they’d planned and carried with them.

Setting up their tents in the grounds of Eye Scout Hut.

After a quick chat with the supervisor and assessor, the team decided to get up early the next morning and try to leave earlier than planned so as to miss the hottest part of the day.

After breakfast (that they’d planned and carried with them) and packing down the tents, they took a route through the old town of Eye and confusing paths in the Town Moor and rejoined the Mid Suffolk footpath. Taking their time to rest and drink lots of water, they fought through a long stretch of nettles and made it to where the supervisors and assessor were waiting with water. Although still not midday, it was already hot and the team rested for a while before continuing. Remarkably, no one complained about anything! The team were asked if there was one person who encouraged them and kept them all going and they all agreed that everyone was helping each other and sticking together.

The team finished the expedition, tired and hot, but pleased with what they had achieved. The assessor congratulated them all on the resilience they showed in coping with the heat. All demonstrated good navigation and campcraft. Hopefully they will continue to Silver DofE and build on the skills they’ve been learning and practising.

St George’s Day Parade & Service – April 2023

The band leading the parade at St George’s Day Parade.

After four years since our last St George’s Day Parade & Service due to Covid-19 etc. we returned to Long Melford to parade from the village hall car park to Holy Trinity Church with the rest of Sudbury District – Explorers, Scouts, Cubs, Beavers and Leaders.

The vicar on his bike – taking the lesson.

The weather was not good and we had a good turnout. Well done everyone for representing 1st Bures Scout Group. You all looked smart in your uniforms.

Group Leaders

New Assistant Leader for Explorer Section and DofE Awards

On Tuesday 21st MarchAndrew Boyce (AESL) was invested into the Unit by Julie Penny (ADC for Explorers) and 3 new members. Andy has rejoined the group after a period of 27 years away! He was Scout Leader and Assistant Leader in the late 70’s, 80’s and early 90’s.

Andy joins a very successful Explorer Section with 25 members. He will be a great edition to the unit and group. Welcome back! The Unit was also successful in gaining 7 Bronze (DofE) and 6 Silver (DofE) Awards completed.

Andrew Boyce (AESL) rejoins the group (far right) and Explorers with certificates for completing their DofE Awards.

Summer Camp 2022

Sudbury Quay Explorers kindly invited us to join them on their 7 night summer camp to Hawkhirst Scout Adventures in Northumberland. We were in Kielder Forest with a spectacular view across Kielder Water right from our camp site – it made the long drive worth it! We even managed to nip into Scotland for about 5 minutes.

8 Explorers from Sudbury, 7 from Bures and 2 from Stour Valley (who meet in Kedington) came together for a week of fun activities. The groups didn’t know each other, but they got on so well!

They did a lot on the reservoirkayaking, paddle boarding, canoeing, bell boating (8 to a boat, paddling together) and raft building. At one point a very sturdy raft made it across to the island and I watched as they all hopped off and ran into the woods – a very good impression of a Famous Five novel! They bell boated quite a way and stopped at a touristy spot for a break with an ice cream and the group photo on the enormous bench.

Paddle Boarding on Kielder Water.

They also took part in crate stacking, abseiling, climbing, archery and tomahawk throwing. The site is used to having younger kids and lots of school groups, but the instructors were all great and seemed to love increasing the challenge level for our Explorers!

Kielder Water.

One evening they did a blindfolded trail through the forest and it really tested their communication skills. They also ran some fun team-building games for them. No fires were allowed because of the very dry conditions, so when we had a campfire planned, the instructors let them (safely) jump off the jetty into the lake instead – full Jack Sparrow impressions too!

Hadrian’s Wall.

We took a trip out to see Hadrian’s Wall, which was celebrating being 1900 years old. In the photo you can see the giant colourful temporary gatehouse which allowed us to stand as high as the Romans would have when they overlooked the landscape. It was on the way home that we realised we had a problem with the minibus, which was a whole saga in itself, but it all worked out in the end and Jo and Tony came to our rescue!

Our minibus being rescued and recovered back to Bures!

I think the Explorers all had a great time. They all got involved and tried new things, grew in skill and confidence and made some great new friends. By the end of it, they’d even made friends with the other 2 Explorer Units staying on site!

Liz Moulton, Explorer Scout Leader


Group Jubilee Camp – The Croft Campsite – June 2022

We set up some of the tents for Cubs and dining room shelter on the Thursday evening.

Setting up the Scout Patrol Tents.

On Friday evening the Cubs, Scouts and Explorers arrived at the campsite ready for a weekend of fun, activities and adventure.

The Beavers arrived at 9am ready for the activities and after flag break – all sections were split into different groups.

Soft Archery activity.

Activities were: kayaking, soft archery, art & crafts, tomahawk throwing, fire by fiction, air rifle shooting and circus skills.

Kayaking on The River Stour.

In the evening we held a camp fire with Jo Waring leading the songs and afterwards – they toasted marsh mellows on the fire.

Kayaking on the River Stour.

The weekend finished with Scouts Own Service, investiture of new Cubs and 10 year’s Long Service Award to Liz Moulton, Woodbadge Certificate to Eddie Gordon and flag break.

Liz being awarded her 10 Year’s Long Service Award.

Thanks go to Helen Foster (chair) and her team for cooking the meals, Acton Scout Leaders for running the tomahawk throwing and 44th Colchester Scout Leaders for running the Fire by Fiction and Tony Waring for organising the Group Camp and the Leaders Team.

The weekend was a great success and blessed with sunshine.

Paul, Callum, Eddie, Nigel, Ian, Jo,
Phil, Claire, Lisa, Steve, Phoebe & Tony

Go-Karting at Ipswich

Our last meting of the winter term took place at Ipswich Indoor Go Karting. We hired out the track for a couple of hours. It was great fun!

Go Karting in Ipswich.

Colchester Climbing Project

Explorers enjoyed an evening in Colchester over at the Climbing Project on Tuesday 8th March 2022.


Climbing on the wall.

Fun around the Camp Fire

Explorers met around the camp fire tonight (27.04.21). Got it started using only 1 match!


Having fun around the camp site

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III